skilled professional freelancers for hire

Skilled Freelancers

We will recruit skilled professional freelance software developers, accountants, data scientists and more for your business.
The professional freelancer

Ensures growth & prosperity

A team consists of different levels of skilled people, but the ones that ensure expansion are the experienced individuals you assign to help build your business.

The web designers, UX/UI designers and software developers ensure  you have an attractive online presence. A digital marketer working closely with a graphic designer gives your brand visibility and appeal — all devised by the business development specialist and carried out by the project managers.

In every serious company, skilled people are running the show in the background. This is where you find prosperity.

Don't leave the hiring for these essential jobs up to chance and calculated risk. Use a recruiter!

what type of freelancer do you seek?

We recruit freelancers globally!

Roles we specialise in

Who engineers your software?

With a professional freelance software developer you are able to have your platform built to your request.

Don't leave that important part of your business up to a random freelancer.

Talentroo can help you find creative and knowledgeable developers that understand your vision to make it incredible user experience.

Are you visible online?

Without proper marketing you leave it up to luck for people to find your products/services online.

Recruit an expert freelancer digital marketer to help you get visibility!

How would a dedicated project manager help you?

A project that is badly managed has a bad outcome. There is a lot of risk involved having no project managers.

A professional freelancer project manager minimises risks and maximises outcomes!

Is your branding exciting?

When you look at your visual presence online or in your stores, does it make you want to purchase?

A great freelance graphic designer will help you build a visual brand to stand out.

Do you use videos in your company?

Great videos shows not only you and your brand, but it helps you grow and increase your revenue.

Let a freelance creator give you the edge to be different!

asian girl laptop

Let us know what roles you need fulfilling, and we will recruit the right talents for the job!

Talk to us about personal assistants, virtual office managers, UX/UI designers, tech support, accountants, translators, recruiters, among others.

With skilled professional freelancers onboard, outperforming the competition is just a team effort.

never hire fake freelancers again

Faking it online is easy, let us help you trust the freelancer.

Our expert team of recruiters has successfully recruited freelancers worldwide for many years in various professional roles and for successful forward-thinking companies.

We know what it means for companies to find a person they will trust to do the work that will result in company growth.

Using your means and methods of  sourcing and interviewing potentially suitable candidates on freelance platforms is time-consuming. Hiring can be unpredictable.

With Talentroo as your recruiter, you set yourself up for certain success!

We are ready to engage

Want to learn more about how we can help?

Get in touch with today to discuss your recruitment needs.